Per request of UNRWA, IHE Delft conducted a training entitled “Capacity building on water and sanitation management” with the following objectives: i) to refresh and develop the existing and new technical expertise of a total of 60 people selected from UNRWA FICIP and UNRWA partners already involved in water and sanitation projects in Lebanon; ii) to prepare the UNRWA staff and UNRWA partners to better perform integrated water and integrated waste management for existing and future projects inside and in the direct proximity of the camps, aligned to the most adapted technologies for Lebanon. In one of the two training courses, 30 water professionals of Lebanon were trained on seawater and brackish water desalination. The subjects covered: overview of desalination technologies, fundamentals of reverse osmosis, pre-treatment and design with software of reverse osmosis systems.
Sponsor: United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) & UNICEF.
Location: Beirut, Lebanon.
Duration: October 9-13, 2017
IHE Staff: Dr. Sergio Salinas, Dr. Branislav Petrusevski, Dr. Nemanja Trifunovic